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Importing the apropos GSoC code and switching to mandoc(1) by default

Hi all,
attached is the new apropos created by Abhinav Upadhyay during last
year's Summer of Code. I've added a small whatis(1) implementation to
round it up. This should be a functional replacement for apropos(1) and
whatis(1). It obsoletes makewhatis(8).

For the base system without xsrc, index size with default settings is
~~15MB. That's an index about the full man page. Limiting it to the NAME
section cuts it to ~2MB. Default settings for the daily run etc would be
full index.

At the same time, I would like to switch to using mandoc(1) for man page
formatting by default and disable cat page generation. Cat pages don't
really serve a purpose any longer, since rendering even the largest
documents is done in less than 2s (on the VAX it was tested on).

At the moment, all man pages but one in base are indexed. This document
is the groff_mmse(7) and doesn't match the pattern for the name section.
mandoc(1) can parse all man pages in pkgsrc/current except a few
Japanese man pages. Those mostly fail due to character set issues.
Addressing that can and should be discussed separately. I do not intend
to disable groff and I don't intend to remove the cat page functionality
from man. So if a specific document renders badly or not at all, it can
always be pre-rended with groff(1).


Attachment: makemandb.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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