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Re: Generic boot image support in makefs(8)

On Jun 12,  7:51am, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
} On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 02:30:18AM -0800, John Nemeth wrote:
} > On Jun 12,  3:43am, David Laight wrote:
} > } On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 02:41:43PM +0900, ITOH Yasufumi wrote:
} > } > 
} > } > hp700 LIF uses bytes 0-1 (0x80 0x00) and 240-251 (points to IPL 
} > } > of the first sector.  The IPL itself is placed elsewhere.
} > } 
} > } I wonder if you could get an i386 bootstrap in there as well!
} > } Fitting something belowe the sparc label might be lively,
} > } but 0x80 0x00 0x00 is a likely nop (addb $0,(%bx,%si)).
} > 
} >      I created a bootable CD using makefs that boots on both my i386
} > laptop and my Ultra 1.
} That's always possible (and no relevant test for the above question) as 
} PC's use two different methods to boot from CD's, and don't need sector 0
} for that _ON A CD_.

     Yes, and my point is that I'm able to boot both types of systems
using the "new" PC boot method and thus you can use both PC CD boot
methods in conjunction with Sun's boot method.

} hp700 LIF uses 0-1 and 240-251?
} 240-251 might collide with the NetBSD disklabel in the SUN label sector, 
} which is at 128 ... 419. The SUN label information is beyond that
} (420 ... 511).

     This is a different problem.  However, from other posts, it
appears that it has been solved as well.  I don't know if all three
systems can be combined on one CD though.

     BTW, while on this subject, I'm wondering why hp700 can't use the
makefs -o bootimage=sysid:filename syntax that other systems use?

}-- End of excerpt from Ignatios Souvatzis

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