Subject: Re: Sane exit from a program on receipt of a signal
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/20/2007 10:29:15
On Jul 20, 10:59am, (Luke Mewburn) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Sane exit from a program on receipt of a signal
| As der Mouse pointed out, this function could be useful for
| raising the default handler for signals that don't terminate
| the process (e.g, SIGTSTP). As such, I'll leave it to the
| caller to invoke raise_default_unblock() and then explicitly
| exit depending upon the caller's needs.
| I've attached my second attempt.
| Look ok?
| Put in libutil? (or somewhere else?)
Try to restore things on failure?
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
raise_default_unblock(int sig)
struct sigaction act, oact;
sigset_t mask, omask;
int oerrno;
/* Setup structures to use */
(void)memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));
if ((sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask) == -1) ||
(sigemptyset(&mask) == -1) ||
(sigaddset(&mask, sig) == -1))
return -1;
/* Restore signal handling to default */
act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
act.as_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(sig, &act, &oact) == -1)
return -1;
/* Unblock the signal */
if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, &omask) == -1)
goto out;
/* Deliver the signal */
if (raise(sig) != -1)
return 0;
oerrno = errno;
(void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, NULL);
errno = oerrno;
oerrno = errno;
(void)sigaction(sig, &oact, NULL);
errno = oerrno;
return -1;