Subject: Re: how to deal with libc vs. libresolve discrepancies?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/20/2006 19:48:45
In article <>,
Greg A. Woods <> wrote:
>Now that I look at this again though perhaps the problem is due to the
>fact that libc has never been properly versioned and instead we keep
>relying on these weak symbols to maintain some semblance of a backwards
>compatable ABI for the sake of the over-use of dynamic linking.  Perhaps
>in this twisted reality libresolv should have maintained the same libc
>ABI bass-ackwards compatability too and then these (and similar) object
>modules wouldn't be incompatible variants of each other.

I think that the easiest fix is to add in libresolv the same weak symbols
that libc has.
