Subject: Re: makefs problem [was: Re: Enabling LFS in sysinst (and moving
To: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 11/04/2006 12:31:20
On Sat, 4 Nov 2006, Julio M. Merino Vidal wrote:
> However, I have a "problem". It feels weird that the iso's contain
> other iso's within them; this may not be an issue when
> CDRELEASE=false, but it certainly is when it's set to true. I did the
> following:
> $ cd distrib/i386/cdroms/bootcd
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true clean
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true dependall
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true release
> $ cd ../bootcd-com
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true clean
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true dependall
> $ nbmake-i386 CDRELEASE=true release
> After that, the boot-com.iso image contained the big boot.iso image
> within it, thus doubling its size. The same will happen when building
> the other images, thus growing their size exponentially.
I guess that's why you are not supposed to set CDRELEASE manually for
those CDs. Try doing a 'normal' build first, and then build in
Of course in the long run, someone could fix makefs(8) to have some
--exclude switch, possibly while adding graft points.
- Hubert