Subject: Re: Adding external references to the NetBSD manpages? (Was: Add a pkgsrc/security/apg reference to)
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/20/2005 17:48:00
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On 2005.12.20 10:33:32 -0700, Tim Rightnour wrote:
| On 20-Dec-2005 Bernd Ernesti wrote:
| > do we really want to add such 'external' references to the manpages?
| > And if so, where do we start an stop doing it?
| The external reference doesn't bother me as much as the wording of it.  I=
t just
| doesn't look right having "pkgsrc/foo/blah" in there..
| Maybe a separate section for pkgsrc references, or a special coding for t=
he man
| chapter, like pkgsrc-1 or something..  I dunno..

Why ? We already do that. Check iwictl(8), ipwctl(8), compat_linux(8),
compat_darwin(8), etc

		-- Rui Paulo

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