Subject: Re: PAM and su -K
To: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/16/2005 12:02:04
Thor Lancelot Simon <> wrote:
> > Switching su to PAM kills the -K option. We have 3 choices:=20
> It messes up the more commonplace -l, too, doesn't it?
No, a lot of environement and persmission code has to be kept around in
su just to support -m and -l. Most of the semantics of those two flags
are preserved. I just have one concern with using -l along with -c
loginclass, but Christos might have fixed it already, I have to read the
Today's problem is su -K. We'll see other issues later.=20
> I use -K or -l when I need to be root _quickly_ during Kerberos
> failures (less common than it used to be since I don't hack on
> Kerberos itself any more, but I used to have to do it quite a
> bit). I would be annoyed if they disappeared.
Do you have any preference between the two other proposals? (PAM API
extension just for su -K or the su_nokerberos service) =20
Emmanuel Dreyfus
Un bouquin en fran=E7ais sur BSD: