Subject: Re: Permit loose matching of codeset names in locales
To: None <,,,>
From: SODA Noriyuki <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/09/2004 05:09:53
[This mail is Cc-ed to bsd-locale, and sent to Shiozaki-san,
 Yamamoto-san, and Itojun-san to be sure.]

>>>>> On 08 Sep 2004 15:09:29 -0400,
	Ian Lance Taylor said in

> We have two different mechanisms for locale aliases.  One is ALIASES_*
> in share/locale/ctype/Makefile.  The other is
> share/locale/locale.alias.

Yes. the locale.alias is added recently (less than two months ago).

> Would you say that any aliases should be in locale.alias and use the
> entire locale string?  You don't think we should do aliasing on just
> the codeset name?

As you see in current locale.alias settings, we need aliases not only
codeset names, but also other part of the locale string.
Also, it may be better to redefine "fr" locale as an alias of
"fr_FR.IS8859-1" (and do same thing for many other locales).
Currently "fr" locale returns "646" as nl_langinfo(CODESET).
But this doesn't seem to be right thing for me. I think it should
return "ISO8859-1" instead.

> For that matter, is there any reason to support ALIASES_* in
> locale/ctype/Makefile?  Would anybody object to a patch which just
> added 
> zh_TW.BIG5/LC_CTYPE		zh_TW.Big5
> to locale.alias, and removed the support for ALIASES in
> locale/ctype/Makefile?  (That is the only alias which appears in the
> Makefile).

This is an old feature, and can be removed as you said at a first
glance, it seems. But I think it's better to make the alias
as entire locale like follows, instead of LC_CTYPE only:

zh_TW.BIG5			zh_TW.Big5

Shiozaki-san, Yamamoto-san, Itojun-san, do you have any idea that
we cannot remove the ALIASES_* from locale/ctype/Makefile?
Also any other comments?