Subject: Re: userland build-date?
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/04/2004 23:22:48
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On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 12:08:02PM +0100, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
  | On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, Luke Mewburn wrote:
  | >   | Is there an easy to update things like /etc/MAKEDEV and /etc/rele=
ase in
  | >   | 'normal' builds
  | >
  | > Not really.  I build a "distribution" build to the DESTDIR and then
  | > use installsets, or create the sets and extract them all except
  | > etc.tgz and let postinstall fix the rest.
  | Hm, as far as I understand, that's more work than necessary (build all =
  | sets), for me a siimple "build" has worked for updating both 1.6.x and
  | -current, so that's the scheme I'd like to use for this.

So use "distribution" to a DESTDIR, and "make installworld"  from that...

  | >   | ? Where is /etc/postinstall updated?
  | > When postinstall runs (e.g src/Makefile postinstall-fix )
  | OIC, /etc/postinstall is not touched on a "build"... pity.

Yes, because "build" is a subset of "distribution".

  | I guess this has to be made some gross hack then. :(

Not particularly.  I'll examine what needs to be done.

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