Subject: Re: du -n - ignore "nodump" files
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/26/2003 15:17:03
[ On Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 14:13:03 (-0500), der Mouse wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: du -n - ignore "nodump" files
> > Could a less well-known option letter be used, such as -N?  "-n"
> > implies "perform your common operation in a non-intrusive way";
> Like grep -n?  ls -n?  cat -n?  echo -n?  ln -n?  I'm not convinced the
> make/df meaning of -n is really widespread enough to be a reason to
> avoid it in du's case.

The only semi-common use of '-n' that I'm aware of is that where it
means to "_n_ot look up names", though even that meaning is bastardized
in some tools where it means the opposite (i.e. "look up _n_ames").  :-)

Of course those meanings apply to a whole different sub-class of tools.  :-)

								Greg A. Woods

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