Subject: Re: /home [and /usr/local]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/18/2003 18:37:38
> I'm eliding /usr/local from this discussion -- we can talk about that
> separately.

Good, because I have very different reactions to some of these points
applied to /usr/local vs /home. :-)

>>     *	Changing the ownership and permissions of /home[...] to
>>              what the default NetBSD installation has.
> Changing the permissions of /home is likely to be completely harmless
> -- it is hard to imagine anyone would want permissions OTHER than
> root owned, 755.

I have no trouble imagining wanting it 775 with some site-specific GID.
Or for that matter, 711 root.  Or even 705 owned by a group ("guest"?)
that specifically should not be able to get at most people's home

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