Subject: Re: RelCache (aka ELF prebinding) news
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/03/2002 22:24:32
>> I saw no mechanism to get rid of outdated cache info mentioned.
> Obviously, you shoot down old cache entries when you discover that
> any of the tags (checksum, file size, mod time, other metadata) don't
> match.

Except that the mechanism I saw suggested used the checksum as the
filename, meaning that if the checksum has changed, you can't tell
which, if any, of those checksum-named files sitting there might be
outdated cache info for the present .so file, at least not without
doing an expensive search of potentially all of them.

Perhaps the current variant no longer uses the checksum as the
filename, or has some other way to find outdated cache entries, in
which case this is a non-issue.

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