Subject: Re: RFC: progressbars for fsck_ffs
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 11/19/2002 22:46:25
Manuel :

> I think it's a usefull feature, but it may be not trivial to get it right.

Fsck progress bars overlapping and messing the screen weren't a problem
for RedCrap Linux, at least till 6.2 (gave up after that :-)

In terms of functionnality it doesn't matter, since, it works anyway.

Perhaps, we should provide this progress bar, and improve the display
after, if there is a demand for such a feature.

Emmm, and IIRC, even the actual fsck, with textual output is not
parallel. I have a machine with 2 SCSI an 1 IDE disks, for a total of a
dozen partitions, they are fsck'ed sequentially.
