Subject: Re: Modifications of standard headers for PECOFF
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: TAMURA Kent <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 05/16/2002 22:24:05
> If these are going to be in header files, it must be in the implementation
> namespace.  Might I suggest:
> 	__libc_extern FILE __sF[];

Ok, I agree on this.

> 	__lib_extern ...
> because I guess libraries other than libc would need similar treatment?

Actually we have to define macro for each library which exposes
global variables.  While building libstdc++.dll, "__sF[]" should
be "__declspec(dllimport) extern FILE __sF[]" and "cout" should
be "__declspec(dllexport) extern _IO_ostream_withassign cout".

This is a kind of DLL Hell ;-(

> might be nice to have to have the run-time linker in the
> main source tree :-)

The run-time linker is also a PECOFF executable.  So we need
build environment targetting PECOFF.  This change is the first
step to build it in the main source tree.

TAMURA Kent <> <>