Subject: Re: RFC: migration to a fully dynamically linked system
To: None <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/21/2001 14:19:10
On 21 Dec 2001 wrote:

: > The argument about the shared libraries being "the" point of failure doesn't
: > hold up.  On NetBSD, if *any* of the following are missing, you can't boot
: > to single-user with the standard boot disk and do anything useful.
: Not quite sure what you mean by "with the standard boot disk."  I'm
: assuming you mean 'boot floppy,'

No, I clarified myself immediately following this message.  (I knew someone
would misinterpret this...)

s/standard boot disk/standard hard disk boot layout/

-- Todd Vierling <>  *  Wasabi & NetBSD:  Run with it.
-- CDs, Integration, Embedding, Support --