Subject: Re: utmp file format change
To: Noriyuki Soda <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/04/2001 08:59:26
> What we have to do is:
> 	- keep old utmp format
> 	- provide API to access (extended) utmp information
> 	- split implmentation of the API from libc,
> 	  by one of the following ways:
> 		1. make a daemon to touch utmp information,
> 		  and access the daemon via socket.
> 		2. make a shared object module to touch utmp
> 		  information, and access the module via dlopen(3).
> 		3. only provide the API via shared object.
> 		  (do not permit to link it statically).

4. make a small program to update utmp information (in /usr/libexec?),
and have the libc code fork/exec it.

					- Bill