Subject: Re: isprint() and isblank()
To: None <,>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/21/2001 16:13:57
> i've workarounded the problem it by keeing _ctype_ as is, and tweaking
> lib/libc/locale/rune{,glue}.c. does it look okay?
> in ctype.h nor lib/libc/gen/isctype.c.
Yeah, it seems to be fine.
What the people who currently have invalid locale table should do
is to replace the locale table to correct one which is
((_ctype+1)[\t] & _B) == 0. Otherwise old static binaries don't
work properly.
> i really would like to see newer binaries use
> __CurrentRuneLocale.__runetype[] instead of _ctype_. i'm not very
> happy about letting future programs to look at _ctype_.
At least in ctype.h, we should keep to refer _ctype_[] rather than
__CurrentRuneLocale.__runetype[] to keep _RuneLocale opaque.
Otherwise we lose flexibility to change implementation detail of