Subject: Re: changes to top to print wchan for sleeping procs
To: None <>
From: John Darrow <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/17/2001 16:30:37
Laine Stump <> wrote:
>Hubert Feyrer <> writes:
>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, enami tsugutomo wrote:
>> > Here is my local mod to top(1) to print wchan for sleeping process.
>> > Some of us also likes this change.  So, I'd like to commit this.  Is
>> > there any objection or thoughts?  Especially, is it better to have a

>> I think it's confusing as see seem to have a whole bunch of new CPU states
>> now. replacing wchan in favour of wchan, and leaving the old state avoids
>> this.

>Isn't it the case that the STATE column is more or less redundant
>when there is anything of interest in WCHAN? After all, it's always
>"sleep". And when STATE isn't "sleep", WCHAN is empty - you have two
>columns whose information can be completely contained in a single
>column. Aside from that, if you put a separate column for WCHAN,
>either the display must be wider than 80 columns, or you must get rid of
>something else.

>I like the patch the way it is. The only possible change I might
>suggest (and there probably isn't enough room for it on the line
>anyway) would be to give some sort of indication *in the same column*
>that the process is actually in a sleep state. Maybe, eg, "(S)select",
>"S-select", "W-select", "(select)", or something like that.

How about if we do the non-wait-channel states in CAPS, and the wait
channels in small letters?  This should be pretty clearly visible...
This would even work with the cpu indicators (which I like).

We could even change the header to indicate this.  Thus you'd have
something like:
21958 enami     10    0   748K 1232K wait       0:00  0.67%  0.24% bash
    4 root      18    0     0K   24M syncer    16:19  0.15%  0.15% ioflush
21957 root       2    0   268K 1380K select     0:00  0.22%  0.10% sshd
  284 enami      2    0  8200K 9520K select    56:17  0.00%  0.00% XFree86
11117 enami     36    4    20M    4K STOP      22:14  0.00%  0.00% <emacs>
23502 enami      2    0   712K    4K select     7:28  0.00%  0.00% <slogin>
 2863 enami     28    0  1820K    4K STOP       3:44  0.00%  0.00% <w3m>
  287 enami      2    0   396K    4K select     1:23  0.00%  0.00% <kterm>
  166 root       2    0    48K  348K nfsd       1:02  0.00%  0.00% nfsd
  215 root      28    0    10M   35M RUN        8:02  0.10%  0.10% XF86_SVGA
11314 root     -12  -20   152K  520K ONPROC     0:00  0.00%  0.00% top


John Darrow - Senior Technical Specialist               Office: 630/752-5201
Computing Services, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187  Fax:    630/752-5968
Alphapage:            Pager:  630/316-0707