Subject: Re: Suggestion: inclusion of the truncate(1) utility into the tree
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/22/2000 17:12:28
On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 06:34:16PM -0400, Andrew Brown wrote:
> it's not necessary, no, but it *is* becoming rather ubiquitous.
> freebsd has it, linux has it (of course), and even solaris comes with
> it now. solaris 8, that is, which is one weird beast. while far from
> necessary for most things, it's probably one of the few things that
> almost *anyone* will be installing.
I like perl, one can quickly write powerfull scripts with it.
However, there are some machines where I actually *don't want* to see it
(these are machines with higth security level: user evironnement is very
restricted, and perl allows far too many thinks :). I would be very
annoyed if it was required for the base system to work.
Other conserns are disk and memory space (NetBSD runs on small systems, which
are ~impossible to upgrade) and speed (I'm not sure perl would be
that usefull on my 3/60).
Manuel Bouyer <>