Subject: Re: Library rebuilds (was Re: lib/9702: Makefile lossage for crypto-intl)
To: None <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 04/15/2000 00:48:09
der Mouse wrote:

> On tech-crypto,
> >>>>>> 	There is a problem with the Makefiles for the crypto-intl stuff.
> >>>>>> 	It remakes things too often.
> >>> I dug a bit deeper - it's asn1_compile that's the problem.  [...]
> I've noticed something very similar with "ordinary" libraries (which is
> why I'm taking it to tech-userlevel).  If I do a "make build" in
> /usr/src and it gets down into the "make dependall" step and then falls
> over, then if I do a "make dependall" in /usr/src it insists on
> rebuilding libraries as it walks through the tree, even for libraries
> for which there's no need for a rebuild.
> Rather annoying.  Fortunately, since it doesn't reinstall the
> libraries, most *programs* don't get rebuilt as a result...but things
> that have "private" libraries do.
> This happens on at least alpha and sparc.  The source tree in question
> dates from 2000-02-19.

I've been doing a lot of rebuilding on alpha, i386 and pmax lately and
haven't noticed this.  I use UPDATE=1 - do you?  Can you list some steps
(and relevent env vars) to reproduce this?
