Subject: /etc/rc.d and /etc/rc.conf
To: None <>
From: Scott Aaron Bamford <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/16/2000 02:35:38
Its been quite amusing to listen to this argument. Personaly i like some
of the things in the /etc/rc.d, and would like to use it for a couple of
services perhaps that i do start/stop/restart. however i prefere the
/etc/rc and /etc/rc.conf approch really.

Is there no way these two could co-exist? I'm believeing a
process_rc.d=YES like option in rc.conf could swtich on /etc/rc.d
processing, while setting it to NO could make the real /etc/rc script
process it all (using a simple if checkyesno(process_rc.d) else ... fi
mehtod) would please both people. Then perhaps a Makefile/script that
can convert one to the other (or a .master file to both, like we have for
kernel syscalls to update all its files) so that the core function is
avaible with or without this new way. Then perhaps we can stop saying we
want this for startup, or dont. and instead choose which we do, and use it
(if at all) for what we do find it usefull for. I can see some uses for
the new system, but personaly would rather my startup was done the old
way, or more likely a unique mix of both just so that nobody is happy with
my way (: hehe.

I'm one of these under the believe that any software should not make me
work like it, but should work like i want to.

I think one issue here that we are all saying, but not saying, is people
want to manage their startup in differnt ways, so let them.

- Scott

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