Subject: Re: CVS commit: syssrc
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 11/19/1999 22:17:53
Jason Thorpe <> writes:
> > if it's not appropriate for the base system, why is it appropriate for
> > the base system sources? (you can guess what my answer is... 8-)
> What about other arch-specific programs which run under the "native OS"
> for that platform but not NetBSD? We have some of those lurking about
> in the (arch-specific portions) of the tree... why should be be any
> different?
those are actually distributed as part of the 'base system' even
though they can't be built on it, and are needed to use the base
system, no? Is that the case for this? (didn't sound like it.) Is
this even necessary to build e.g. the boot program? (again, doesn't
sound like it.)
Also, for those of them which can be built under NetBSD, e.g. the DOS
boot program, they _are_ built under NetBSD.
Chris Demetriou - -
Disclaimer: Not speaking for NetBSD, just expressing my own opinion.