Subject: NIS with linux server
To: None <>
From: James O'Kane <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/02/1998 21:29:21
I have a NIS server running on linux and it has been working fine for
months. I've also setup a few NIS clients, but I tried with NetBSD and it
doesn't seem to work fully.
I set the domainname, and run ypbind.
I tested with ypcat passwd and I get the correct info, but when I try to
login with a userid from the list, and I get Login incorrect, and when I
try to su to a user and I get su : unknown login jo2y. Is there something
else I need to do with NetBSD that's different from linux?
I checked the archives for this list and the port-pmax lists going back to
January this year and I didn't see anything. I also looked at the man page
for ypbind with no help.
any advice?