Subject: Re: -Dunix predefine
To: NetBSD Userlevel Technical Discussion List <tech-userlevel@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/22/1998 22:11:35
[ On Mon, June 22, 1998 at 09:50:39 (-0700), Chris G. Demetriou wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: -Dunix predefine
> > While actually using "unix" as an #if selector these days is almost always
> > going to be the wrong thing to do, deleting it would be messing about with
> > a truly ancient tradition - and one upon which lots of programs rely.
> So, keep it around, and make it that much easier to do the wrong
> thing?
If it's documented as deprecated then it's "programmer beware"....
NetBSD *is* (ignoring trademark law) "unix", and existing code that
*does* work fine (even on an Alpha) with just '-Dunix' isn't all that
uncommon. Not to mention again that most other real "unix"es still
define it too.... Not defining it puts a heavier and unnecessary load
on already heavily burdened code maintainers and makes NetBSD yet one
more of the platforms where they cannot expect de facto standard
behaviour (and at the moment it's even inconsistent between hardware
running the same OS!).