Subject: pkgs with different feature sets (was: Re: X11 problems with pkgs)
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: Bjoern Labitzke <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/22/1998 17:09:34
On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> On 21-Jun-98 Bjoern Labitzke spoke unto us all:
> #
> # [Dependency on pkgs for features only should be mentioned to user]
> ["OR" dependencies would be nice (depend on pkg a OR pkg b)]
I agree. The sequence of the pkgs mentioned in the OR directives could
give the priority which to use first, if several are possible.
> [- Developer provides a generic pkg with hooks which others can take
> advantage of]
That is what I was thinking of.
> [- How does the user pick the build direction?]
A possible way to realize the selection process of the user may be a
pkg.conf-file in the appropriate pkg-directory. Or the Makefile includes a
section at the beginning in which all those selections are mentioned.
(Hmm, it seems we might replicate the configure scripts, just on another
level. :-) )
> # An afterthought: Shouldn't the case be expected that using different
> # feature sets for building a pkg may result in different patchs? What about
> # that?
Bjoern Labitzke | E-Mail:
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