Subject: Re: PKGNAME version no question
To: None <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/15/1998 19:05:45
On Mon, 15 Jun 1998 wrote:
: I had totally missed version.c, but my question/concern is this. The only
: way to know what version of f2c you have is then to download the source,
: uncompress version.c and then decide the version. How does one know the
: version number to use in the PKGNAME if you don't know the version until
: you download the source and extract it? Or is the right answer to take a
: snapshot, call it f2c-19980516.tar.gz, put it on and only
: have packages download it from there?
Just have the DISTNAME be correct for the package - the md5 checksum ensures
that you have the "correct" version as required for the NetBSD pkg to
build. We have many pkgs that face this same problem (no version number in
the distfile), but we just "get over it".
-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.