Subject: Re: RC5 cracking on/for NetBSD
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/11/1998 13:15:30
On 10 Jun 1998, Michael Graff wrote:
> Source is not distributed, but binary clients for NetBSD/{sparc,i386,68k,arm}
> can be found on
> If you have a CPU type that isn't supported, and can provide an account,
> I can build one for it. Also, if you don't trust their binaries but
> would trust mine, I can hand out the builds I've made for the arm32 and
> i386 ports.
> For general project info, see
> Once you start up the client (and you will start up the client, right?)
> make certain your email address is used for results, and then visit
> after 03:00 GMT check out the rc5 stats page at
> to search for your email address, and associate your address with
> team 4420, "NetBSD Users"
> If you have any questions feel free to ask.
> --Michael
Hubert Feyrer <>