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Re: unbreak some builds with USETOOLS=no

On 29 May 2018 at 08:33, Christos Zoulas <> wrote:
> In article <20180528051017.GE18127%SDF.ORG@localhost>,  <> wrote:
>>since is not installed, building stuff using
>> without netbsd tools isn't possible.
>>Also, EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN is not defined e.g. if using
>>cd src/external/bsd/nvi; make USETOOLS=no.

Why are all these alternatives even being treated differently?
Instead start with the assumption that the tool chain is external
(which it is anyway) and try to isolate the compiler details?  The
only difference, when using bundled tools, is that the the details are
also conveniently bundled somehow.

The sources seem to contain all these little bits of embedded trivia
where the last compiler used is assumed.  For instance:
Makefile.compiler-rt adding extra -W* flags; or
usr.bin/xlint/arch/*/targparam.h which 'MUST be kept in sync with the
the compiler!';

>>attached patch fixes it.
> I committed something similar yesterday.
> christos

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