Folks,we have some annoying fallout from every build now on the releng autobuildcluster after it has been speed up quite a bit. ... Any help/hints greatly appreciated!
I seem to be able to reproduce the problem, so I guess that's a start. Since this is a non-deterministic problem, "reproduce" may be an overly strong word to use.
I'm using the releng source tarballs from 201409121050Z and I'm only building evbarm-earm. I have tried to reproduce the releng environment by using tmpfs for TMPDIR and building with -j 24. I've adjusted the default limits in login.conf and rebooted so that I don't hit the shell bug that David Holland has found.
I'm currently running builds with ktrace so that I can see who is doing what to whom and when. The errors I have seen all seem to involve corrupt files, so we should be able to cross reference the build logs with the ktrace log.
I have no idea if this will all hang together, but the computer is doing all the hard work, so I'll let it run.
Cheers, Lloyd