Subject: re: mips gcc4 ld.elf_so problems
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 06/28/2006 05:49:43
   > which compiles to use "sw" in both the novoid cases and swl/swr in
   > the other case.  ie, when GCC starts off with what it believes
   > should be an aligned pointer ("Elf_Addr *p"), or ends up with one
   > via an assignment, it will keep that information right into builtins
   > like this and optimise based on it.

actually, there is a bug in the test for the "void_novoid" test - when
using the right variables it also uses the unaligned stores.
   what happens if you make store_ptr() not an inline?

then store_ptr becomes a real function that uses unaligned stores,
probably working.  i wonder the effect this has on program startup
since it generates between 7 and 10 extra instructions (including
a branch & return.)
