Subject: Re: usr.bin/make
To: Max Okumoto <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 02/01/2005 08:38:54
On Feb 1,  4:24am, (Max Okumoto) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: usr.bin/make

| >In article <>,
| >Max Okumoto  <> wrote:
| >
| >>The following two attachments are a script that and the diffs
| >>generated by that script.  The script does the following:
| >>
| >>    * removes spaces between function name and parameters.
| >>       funcname (1, 2, 3) => funcname(1, 2, 3)
| >
| >that is fine.
| >
| >>    * removes (void) from in front of unsed return
| >>      values of functions.
| >>      (void)funcname(1, 2) => funcname(1, 2)
| >
| >that breaks lint. Why do you want to do it?
| >
| >christos
| 1. It would make the code more consistant.
|    % cd usr.bin/make
|    % grep printf *.c
|    % grep close *.c

Well, I would prefer to add the (void) casts to the rest.

| 2. It clutters the code without adding much
|     information.

It tells lint that you knowingly ignore the value because
you don't care.

| 3. Does anyone really still use lint?  Compilers
|    today generate better warnings and most don't
|    warn about unused return values.

We do, and obviously you haven't.
Well, show me a compiler that I can use in NetBSD
that can do what lint does:

1. Warn about non-portable constructs. For example
   what is the type of the result of:
       unsigned long b;
       int a;
       c = a << b;
   Or it is not portable to do:
       short a;
       int b;
       a >> b;
   Or warn about non-portable pointer casts.
2. They only produce warnings for a single compilation
   unit. They don't check for consistency between
   compilation units.
3. They don't warn about implicit promotions, or if assignments
   that lose accuracy because of narrowing of types.

Just to mention a few.

| 4. We are removing casting to '(void)' from our
|    code base :-)

More power to you.

| PS.  I looked at /usr/share/misc/style and there
|      is confusion there too :-)
|      printf(...)        without a cast
|      (void)fprintf(...) with a cast

We should fix that.
