Subject: gprof
To: None <>
From: Kamal R Prasad <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 07/15/2003 15:06:34

When you use -pg option,
the generated file will contain call-graph information rather than 
call-count information.
Call-graph is a tuple <from fn, to fn, count> stored in file gmon.out 
which also stores the standard statisttics as available using -p option.
gprof will read the generated file (gmon.out) and produce output in plain 
So, the additional info is not available with -pg as someone suggested.


Subject: gprof
From: (jeff milam)
Organization: TAC News Gateway
Date: Jun 02 2003 10:57:14
Hello, my name is Jeffrey Milam.  I work at TecMasters.Inc in Lawton OK.  
was wondering if you could help me out with a problem i am having.  We are 

running a large simulation that links code from fortran and c.  The 
that i am having is that when producing the results, the flat profile has 
number of times each function was called but it does not produce any 
times...such as percentage of time or total time for the functions.  Here 
just the first couple of copied lines from the output file.

 %   cumulative   self              self     total
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name
  0.00      0.00     0.00    44686     0.00     0.00  scrblk_
  0.00      0.00     0.00    14829     0.00     0.00  listv_
  0.00      0.00     0.00    11750     0.00     0.00  octal_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     8880     0.00     0.00  acsur_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     8880     0.00     0.00  idxdpl_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     7690     0.00     0.00  deplel_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     6828     0.00     0.00  deploy_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     4922     0.00     0.00  prtfu_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     3357     0.00     0.00  igrdid_
  0.00      0.00     0.00     3268     0.00     0.00  hashxy_

If you have any idea of what could be going wrong, could you help me...  I 

would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you

Jeff Milam

Kamal R. Prasad
AIX Support & Test, IBM India Software Labs
Golden Enclave, Airport Road, Bangalore-560017, India
Phone : +91-80-5094963,  Internal Ext   : 2963