Subject: Re: toolchain/22118: make won't compile with -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes and more
To: NetBSD Toolchain Technical Discussion List <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 07/12/2003 01:40:14
>>> and inevitably you need to be able to discard const without a
>>> simple cast to be safe.

Yes, this is the major problem I find with const poisoning.  I do it
anyway, as I find the benefit much greater than the cost, but I still
need a deconst() for things like loading structs iovec for writev().
(Conceptually, the iov_base pointers for writev should be const, but C
doesn't have a way to do that and still use the same struct for readv
and writev - at least not without making iov_base pointer-to-const,
which has a pile of problems of its own.)

> A far as I know the only sure and portable way to discard a const
> qualifier on some storage area is to allocate new non-const storage
> area and copy the const data into the new non-const storage.

Well, the const qualifier is not really on the storage area in the
cases in question; it's on the pointed-to type of a pointer.

	struct iovec v[3];
	v[2].iov_base = "\n";

That assignment is perfectly reasonable provided v is being passed to
writev (as opposed to readv), but it violates const poisoning.  I don't
want to discard const as applied to the storage the string lives in;
the storage _is_ const (and write-protected; I use -fwritable-strings
only when I must, and never in conjunction with const poisoning).

> [...], but the only portable alternative is to qualify the parameter
> as const (and hope it really won't be modified! ;-).

What parameter?  It's the target type of a pointer member of a struct
pointed to by a parameter that's at issue with writev(); other cases
often have the to-be-discarded const buried similarly deeply....

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