Subject: Re: sparc64 / libstdc++ change...
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 05/13/2001 01:22:55
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On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 07:37:12PM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:

> Actually it looks like the Makefile should have already prevented going i=
> that subdir by the check for gcc's version. If that has not been working,
> it should have been fixed.

Where is HAVE_GCC29 supposed to be set, out of curiosity?

> Sorry, came arond to looking in detail too late, now this change is alrea=
> commited.

On the plus side, it doesn't actually hurt anything, and at least in my
case it's helping... The only thing I do that might be "odd" is I set
"HAVE_EGCS" on my command line to avoid this:

        @echo "*** CAPUTE!"
        @echo "    You attempted to compile the world without egcs.  You mu=
        @echo "    first install a native egcs compiler."

> Should we back this out?

Well, backing it out of -current will break my builds, anyway, regardless
of anything else. I have no opinion regarding the change on netbsd-1-5,
as I hadn't ever tried building that in any event - it ought to be harm-
less, but if it's unnecessary, it should probably be backed out. I'll
send the request.

     M a s o n   L o r i n g   B l i s s
awake ? sleep : random() & 2 ? dream : sleep;

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