Subject: egcs still broken for i386
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: tech-toolchain
Date: 11/21/1998 13:50:06
>I just rebuild egcs and with that a kernel, all from sources supped this
>The we driver still panics on sending the first ethernet packet.
>Please tell me if I can do anything to help hunting this down...

short of a more targeted suspicion, the first step is to try
 suspect kernel .o files  with the old compiler, to see where the problem
goes away -- to find the footprint of this source/compiler bug.

I'd try recompiling all the if_we related code: dp8390, whichever
bus-specific front-end attachment (ISA, PCI -- only ISA for the we,
right??) you're using, and possibly all the mbuf code as well.


for starters. If recompiling them with the old complier makes your
kernel work, then you've helped (and ideally keep going, pin it down
to one file).  if it doesn't, expand the search.

Todd: are ever we going to wake up to the fact that initial versions
of compilers *are* usually buggy (or uncover source-code bugs), on at
least some of our arches?  Why don't we provide intree support for
keeping the previous version of the compiler binaries and specfiles
around for cases like this?  It's not like gcc/egcs doesnt already
ship with all the prefixing necessary to do this...