Subject: Re: SMP stability issues
To: Chris Rendle-Short <>
From: Lars Nordlund <>
List: tech-smp
Date: 11/10/2006 22:14:47
On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 19:27:22 +1100
Chris Rendle-Short <> wrote:
> Hi,
> For the last couple of months I've been running NetBSD 3.0.1 and 3.1 (since yesterday) on an Abit VP6 SMP motherboard with two P3 866's. The system is mainly used as a mail, web, and Samba server, along with occasional other odd tasks.

Ah, the good old Abit VP6 motherboard. I have one myself. It was very
cheap and stable. At least until the capacitors started to explode.. I
had them replaced but it was never quite as stable as it once had been.
I could not get it to draw graphics without hanging rock solid after a
few seconds. No matter what graphics card I used (or OS). I also tried
switching power supply but it did not help. In textmode it was kind of
ok. Could multi-job compile for several days without showing any

These days one of the CPUs is doing its duty in another (non-SMP)
motherboard, and the other is resting peacefully in the ever growing
pile of old junk in my home lab..

Best regards,
	Lars Nordlund