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NetBSD Security Advisory 2008-006: Integer overflow in strfmon(3) function

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                 NetBSD Security Advisory 2008-006

Topic:          Integer overflow in strfmon(3) function

Version:        NetBSD-current:         affected
                NetBSD 4.0:             affected
                NetBSD 3.1.*:           unaffected
                NetBSD 3.1:             unaffected
                NetBSD 3.0:             unaffected
                NetBSD 3.0.*:           unaffected

Severity:       Local user may be able to execute arbitrary code

Fixed:          NetBSD-current:         March 18, 2008
                NetBSD-4 branch:        March 19, 2008
                        (4.1 will include the fix)
                NetBSD-4-0 branch:      March 19, 2008
                        (4.0.1 will include the fix)


The strfmon() function contains multiple integer overflows which can be
exploited by a local attacker to cause a crash or potentially execute
arbitrary code.

Technical Details

The vulnerability exists in strfmon() because of the use of the GET_NUMBER()
macro.  This macro does not check for integer overflow, and its value is
passed as an argument to the memmove() and memset() functions, which can
result in a crash or possibly the execution of arbitrary code.

This issue has been assigned CVE reference CVE-2008-1391.

Solutions and Workarounds

The following instructions describe how to upgrade your libc binaries
by updating your source tree and rebuilding and installing a new version
of libc.

* NetBSD-current:

        Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2008-03-18
        should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2008-03-19 or later.

        The following files need to be updated from the
        netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):

        To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install libc:

                # cd src
                # cvs update lib/libc/stdlib/strfmon.c
                # cd lib/libc
                # make USETOOLS=no cleandir dependall
                # make USETOOLS=no install

* NetBSD 4.*:

        Systems running NetBSD 4.* sources dated from before
        2008-03-19 should be upgraded from NetBSD 4.* source dated
        2008-03-20 or later.

        The following files need to be updated from the
        netbsd-4 or netbsd-4-0 CVS branches:

        To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install libc:

                # cd src
                # cvs update -r <branch_name> lib/libc/stdlib/strfmon.c
                # cd lib/libc
                # make USETOOLS=no cleandir dependall
                # make USETOOLS=no install

Thanks To

Maksymilian Arciemowicz for reporting this problem and Christos Zoulas
for providing a fix.

Revision History

        2008-04-21      Initial release

More Information

Advisories may be updated as new information becomes available.
The most recent version of this advisory (PGP signed) can be found at

Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at and

Copyright 2008, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution permitted only in full, unmodified form.

$NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2008-006.txt,v 1.1 2008/04/15 20:19:56 adrianp Exp $

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (NetBSD)


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