Subject: encrypted swap with cgd(4)
To: None <,>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: tech-security
Date: 04/17/2003 01:11:02
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since the topic of swap encryption pops up from time to time, this
information could be useful for some people who are instersted in
encrypting their swap space but are not sure how to set it up.

currently there is one limitation, cgd devices are created with
disklabel containing only one slice marked as 4.2BSD which is not
suitable for swapping into.  this is the reason why using cgd drive
as a swap device is not straightforward.  Roland Dowdeswell is looking
into this and it should be resolved in the near future.

a real world example:

  our swap device wd0b will be configured as cgd1, using 256 bit aes-cbc
  key.  step by step instructions follows:

  1) generate a paramsfile for the cgd device.  the default file would be
     /etc/cgd/wd0b but i will use /etc/cgd/swap for better illustration:

     # cgdconfig -g -V none -k randomkey aes-cbc > /etc/cgd/swap

  2) configure the cgd device over wd0b, (make sure wd0b is not used as a
     swap device at this moment):

     # cgdconfig cgd1 /dev/wd0b /etc/cgd/swap

  3) edit disklabel for cgd1, we need to create a valid swap slice.  save
     the disklabel to a file:

     # disklabel -e -I cgd1

     # /dev/rcgd1d:
     type: cgd
     disk: cgd
     label: default label
     bytes/sector: 512
     sectors/track: 2048
     tracks/cylinder: 1
     sectors/cylinder: 2048
     cylinders: 128
     total sectors: 263655
     rpm: 3600
     interleave: 1
     trackskew: 0
     cylinderskew: 0
     headswitch: 0           # microseconds
     track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
     drivedata: 0

     4 partitions:
     #        size    offset     fstype  [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
      d:    263655         0     4.2BSD      0     0     0   # (Cyl.    0 - 128*)

     create a swap slice and change label (that's not really necessary, just for
     our information):

     # /dev/rcgd1d:
     type: cgd
     disk: cgd
     label: swap
     bytes/sector: 512
     sectors/track: 2048
     tracks/cylinder: 1
     sectors/cylinder: 2048
     cylinders: 128
     total sectors: 263655
     rpm: 3600
     interleave: 1
     trackskew: 0
     cylinderskew: 0
     headswitch: 0           # microseconds
     track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
     drivedata: 0

     4 partitions:
     #        size    offset     fstype  [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
      a:    263655         0       swap                      # (Cyl.    0 - 128*)

     and save it to a file:

     # disklabel cgd1 > /etc/cgd/swap.disklabel

  4) set up the cgd device to be configured automatically at boot.  add the
     following line into your /etc/cgd/cgd.conf:

     cgd1 /dev/wd0b /etc/cgd/swap

  5) now we need to restore our disklabel to the newly created cgd device at
     boot time.  create /etc/rc.conf.d/cgd with this simple function:


             if [ -f $swap_disklabel ]; then
                     disklabel -R -r $swap_device $swap_disklabel

  6) add the cgd device into /etc/fstab as a swap device:

     /dev/cgd1a none swap sw 0 0

  that's all.  now you can activate your swap partition with 'swapctl -a
  /dev/cgd1a' or just reboot.

what you see above is a setup from my laptop.

   Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Priority
   /dev/cgd1a     131827     8828   122999     7%    0


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <>                   --
--                  <>                   --

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