Subject: Re: openssl license change
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: tech-security
Date: 09/24/2002 05:06:07
On Feb 14,  3:33pm, wrote:
} >My reason for pointing out that Theo and the boys had issues with the
} >license is because the issues *may* be pertinent to NetBSD. If the
} >OpenBSD answer is a fork when the offending code may be omitted at
} >compile time, then they may be making unnecessary work for themselves.
} 	we may need a professional legal advice on it - once code goes into
} 	openssl repository, it is unclear if Sun changes are all inside #ifdef,
} 	or not.  so i'm not sure if we can avoid Sun license by doing #define
} 	NO_SUN_CODE.  as a matter of fact, if you see the latest openssl
} 	repository, license boilerplate is outside of #ifdef OPENSSL_NO_EC. 
} 	if the code fork is the only solution, we'll need to do the same
} 	(or import open-openssl from openbsd).

     Didn't this issue come up with the idea patent?  How was that
solved?  Couldn't this problem be solved the same way?

}-- End of excerpt from