Subject: Re: 'WXP 'phoning home ' (was 1024 bit key considered insecure (sshd))
To: Dave Feustel <>
From: Kurt Seifried <>
List: tech-security
Date: 09/14/2002 10:59:31

What does this have to do with anything *BSD related?

In case you're unclear on this:


Thanks and have a nice day.

Kurt Seifried,
A15B BEE5 B391 B9AD B0EF
AEB0 AD63 0B4E AD56 E574

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Feustel" <>
To: "Actually davidchr" <>; "Christian J Hedemark"
Cc: "Seth Kurtzberg" <>; "Curt Sampson" <>; "Jan
Wildeboer" <>; "Michael W Mitton" <>;
<freebsd-security@FreeBSD.ORG>; <>;
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: 'WXP 'phoning home ' (was 1024 bit key considered insecure

> If you install ZoneAlarm Pro and enable
> component checking, you will discover
> that WXP 'phones home' about many, many
> things that you do while running IE and OE.
> What happens is that ZAPro alerts you to
> each attempt by an OS component to access
> the internet, at which time you allow or disallow
> the access. If you disallow access, then all further
> internet access is disallowed OE/IE until the program
> is terminated and restarted.
> What you will see (among other things)
> is msimn attempting to access the internet even
> when you're not using OE (the mail program).
> It is this behavior by WXP (plus the new EULA
> terms) that has aggravated
> me to the point that I am now switching to
> OpenBSD as my internet OS. I will continue
> to run Windows software, but only on computers not
> connected to the internet.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dave Feustel
> 260-483-1857
> ------------------------------------------------------------