Subject: NTP and Xntp questions
To: None <>
From: Sheila&bob/Herbal Gypsy and the Tinker <>
List: tech-security
Date: 09/05/1999 22:32:15
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Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 22:32:15 -0400
From: Sheila&bob/Herbal Gypsy and the Tinker <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: NTP and Xntp questions
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Is anyone running ntp/Xntp?
I have been shying away from it, I have used it for DoS functions.  Some
get pretty hosed up when you slip them different time.

Now, I am in need of a system clock for kerberos.  I am finally putting
my alphas and vax together for some fun.

Is anyone successfully running ntp/Xntp?
Is there anything special that has to be done if you add a PC running
netbsd to the mix?
I have finally added netbsd to a couple of my PCs, instead of just using
them as consoles on my vaxes and alphas.  These celery boxes area
actually not bad with 128MB, and adding netbsd makes them much better.

Thanks for any tips or hints