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Re: Research survey: Impact of Microsoft Acquisition of GitHub

Dear contributors,  

I am happy to announce that we are ready to release preliminary results of the "Developer Perception to Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub" survey. These results can be accessed at "";. Again thank you for your participation and please feel free to share or discuss these results.  

Best Regards,  


(cc. Shade, Raula, Hideaki)  

On 07/05/18 04:10 PM, "Asavaseri Natnaree" <> wrote:
> Dear NetBSD contributors,
> I am Natnaree Asavaseri and currently undertaking a research internship at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. As a part of my research, I am analyzing the impact of Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub. 
> I would like to conduct a survey to understand how developers perceive the Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, especially from contributors to Linux distributions and BSD families. So please consider voicing your opinion by allowing us up to 5 minutes to complete our short survey. 
> We would like to remind you that participation in this survey is completely voluntary and your identity is hidden for anonymity. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
> Natnaree

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