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Re: So what needs to be done?

On Apr,Thursday 30 2009, at 7:33 PM, Gavan Fantom wrote:

Roy Marples wrote:

So what needs to be done, or is this just a case of 'meh' and nothing

I think that the first step is really to prove that it's possible to do a good* conversion from the CVS repository to *any* other VCS.

Currently, the pool of VCSs to choose from (ie those for which this has been proven) is (I think**) empty.

I was able to import whole CVS history to git with 'corecode' fromcvs tool. I have src, xsrc, pkgsrc and othersrc gitrepos with whole history(with all branches, but there are no tags e.g. there os netbsd-5 branch butnot netbsd-5-rc4 tag). I can do incremental updates, too. which means that I can keep
my repos up to date with main CVS repository.

Git repo sizes for src and pkgsrc are:

module, CVS size, Git size
src     6.9Gb     1,1Gb
pkgsrc  2Gb       848Gb



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