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py-twisted vulnerability: anyone up for backporting

twisted has just released a vulnerabilty report:

which says

  "The HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 server provided by twisted.web could process
  pipelined HTTP requests out-of-order, possibly resulting in
  information disclosure."

I found out about this because matrix-synapse uses twisted, but it seems
that using nginx as a reverse proxy doesn't enable this attack because
it won't ever pipeline upstream requests.  But, probably it's a problem
someplace else; the history of vulns says that it's always worse than
you think.

tahoe-lafs also uses twisted (but I'm not running that).

twisted upstream appears troubled in that they aren't making a patch
release with just the fix on top of the previous stable, but instead are
going through an RC process with other accumulated changes:

which will probably take another 5 days.

This situation seems well short of the justification needed to package
an RC (consider this a pre-emptive objection :-).

Also, this should be fixed on 2024Q2; pulling up a minor release seems

It seems like this is the commit with the fix:

Is anybody up for adding that as a patch, testing, committing, waiting a
few days, and submitting a pullup?

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