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Re: lang/gcc12 on mac

On 6/26/24 03:14, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
* On 2024-06-26 at 00:39 BST, Jason Bacon wrote:

This is showing the OS version, not the SDK version.

Well, kinda.  This is where it gets confusing ;)

I believe __ENVIRONMENT_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ is 140000 for any SDK 15.x, so this doesn't distinguish between, say, 15.2 and 15.3. 15.3 is the first to cause problems with gcc12 according to what I've read.

I assume they'll fix this once 15.x is available.  If we do happen to add something similar to what I suggested at some point in the future then I'm honestly not too fussed about it not correctly supporting alpha releases of the OS/SDK, unless someone can come up with a way to accurately identify the real SDK target version.

OK, I think we're miscommunicating here... I'm referring to the Xcode/SDK version, which is different from the macOS version. The current full release is 15.4, which is for macOS 14.0+:

The naming of the installation directories may be a little confusing, e.g. MacOSX14.4.sdk means "SDK for macOS 14.4", but is actually Xcode/SDK version 15.3.

Per the link above, I was incorrect about Xcode 15.2 and 15.3 requiring the same minimum OS version. 15.3 and 15.4 both have __ENVIRONMENT_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ = 140000, but 15.1 and 15.2 support OS versions 13.5+. In any case, the minimum OS version is not sufficient to determine the Xcode/SDK version, since it's the same for multiple Xcode versions.

In the case of gcc12, it would be sufficient to check the min OS version, since the breaking change from Xcode 15.2 to 15.3 happened to accompany a change in the min OS version. This will not always be the case, though, so I think we should expose the actual Xcode/SDK version as a make variable so it's available when someone needs it in the future.

Currently, wip/gcc12 builds fine on macOS 14.5 + SDK 15.3, NetBSD 10, and Alma 8.

FWIW it builds fine for me on:

   $ bmake install
  => Creating binary package /Users/pbulk/build/wip/gcc12/work/.packages/gcc12-12.3.0nb2.tgz

   $ bmake -v OSX_SDK_PATH

   $ clang -v
   Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.

Terrific, thanks for the data...

Anyone able to test on macOS 13?



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