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status heading into the branch

We're heading for freeze start on June 20 (UTC), more or less; starting
around 20th and hoping to be done in 7 days has become fairly normal.

There are of course many small issues, but I see two bigger problems.
Anything else big?

  rust: Newer rust (in wip) doesn't work on some platforms that
  in-pkgsrc rust works on.  Our practice has been not to update and
  thereby desupport platforms (with ppc not counting).  It's after June
  1, and therefore we aren't going to update rust before the branch,
  since late updates need to meet the stability rules.  (Deciding what
  to do post-branch is for another thread; please don't blur that into
  this one).

  icu: We had a bad update that broke a lot of things; it seems icu had
  API changes and icu-using packages did not have releases that handled
  the new API.  Others have fixed a lot of this, probably most, and
  maybe all.  So I think we are spared from rolling it back.

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