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broken math/py-numba and devel/py-llvmlite, even broken approach with llvm?


during checking py-numba as a dependent on py-numpy, I noticed that it
won't build because of

BROKEN=         "No support for llvm 14 yet."

in devel/py-llvmlite.

Now … the package depends on lang/llvm, supposing it works with a
generic install of llvm. But upstream, in that PR indicated above, is
clear about that being a bad idea:

	FWIW: Using Numba with llvmlite REQUIRES a patched version of
	LLVM to pass the whole test suite and function correctly, we
	discourage using this setup with a dynamically linked LLVM. Not
	doing this may end up in strange bugs that manifest on user
	systems and then end up on our tracker, but which are actually
	caused by the incorrect redistribution of the software:

So … we'd need to package a specific patched llvm for llvmlite+numba or
should not package it at all?

So, if we package that at all, we should mimick upstream and its
conda/whatever builds in building the supported llvm with the package
and statically linking it, even?

Or is this experimental stuff that is out of scope for pkgsrc? I guess
I'll have to tell my users to roll out anacondas if they want to play
with that.

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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