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pkg_admin check vs ruby

Any time I have a system with ruby packages installed, they cause "pkg_admin check" to fail:

  $ pkg_admin check
  ./opt/pkg/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/doc/i18n-1.14.1/ri/I18n/Gettext/Helpers/N_-i.ri fails MD5 checksum
  ......../opt/pkg/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/doc/em-websocket-0.5.3/ri/EventMachine/WebSocket/cdesc-WebSocket.ri fails MD5 checksum
  .........................................................../opt/pkg/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/doc/kramdown-2.4.0/ri/Kramdown/Converter/HashAST/cdesc-HashAST.ri fails MD5 checksum
  ............................................................................................................................................/opt/pkg/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/doc/http_parser.rb-0.8.0/ri/HTTP/cdesc-HTTP.ri fails MD5 checksum
  .................................................../opt/pkg/share/ri/3.1.0/system/Net/HTTPGatewayTimeOut/cdesc-HTTPGatewayTimeOut.ri fails MD5 checksum
  /opt/pkg/share/ri/3.1.0/system/Net/HTTPRequestTimeOut/cdesc-HTTPRequestTimeOut.ri fails MD5 checksum

Presumably ruby is doing some behind the scenes stuff to modify these data files. Can we either stop it doing that, or move them to ${VARBASE} or something?

Also I'd like to remove the annoying "..." progress output of pkg_admin check. Others would argue it violates principles of silent command output, should be on stderr, etc. I'm simply annoyed that it makes everything look terrible when there are errors, as seen above.

It also exits success when there are failures.

Jonathan Perkin   -   -
Open Source Complete Cloud

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