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Re: okteta

* On 2023-08-21 at 00:45 BST, Greg Troxel wrote:

Jonathan Perkin <> writes:

What actually needs to be handled?  FWIW pkgin will simply pull in the
"newer" package, even if the version goes backwards (like we had
recently with some ruby package that got reverted).

This is perhaps the best answer of all.

So pkgin is using a build timestamp for sorting?
<quoterant>not sure what "newer" means</>.

The thing that separates pkgsrc from other package managers is that we key on PKGPATH. pkgin's job (at least for update) is basically:

Given a set of installed packages, give me whatever the current state of the remote pkgsrc repository is for those packages.

Whether the version goes backwards, forwards, or stays the same but the package has been rebuilt, the end result is the same. You get the version from the remote repository so that your installed package set is fully in sync.

Jonathan Perkin   -   -
Open Source Complete Cloud

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