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Re: text-to-speech in firefox (Re: firefox-116)

------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, August 6th, 2023 at 1:58 PM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:

> Sure, but having options and especially their defaults have to be
> considered in the context of binary packages, because "official
> binaries" are by definition are built with all defaults. You doing what
> you want privately is one thing, but you are asking to have pkgsrc
> changed, and that has to be considered globally, not in the context of
> how you use it.

Fair enough. I'll leave it to ryoon@ to decide.

> > It's about choice, not the amount of dependencies or, it's footprint.
> > I have more than enough disk space.

> Adding an option has costs in terms of maintenance and cognitive load.
> It means the maintainer has to check that PLIST is correct after each
> update with and without the option. It gives anyone building the
> package more to understand. Generally I think the fewer options the
> better, and the best path is to make changes to reduce the need.

Yes, I'm aware of the extra work needed.

> In this case, it might or might not be sensible -- but you did not give
> rationale about the balance, just that you were offended by these
> libraries being dependencies.

Not the dependencies. I was annoyed at the decision taken by Mozilla and should probably have reflected about my words.

> You saying simply that you want to choose is entirely unconvincing.

There is more than one example where this has been done.
I've done it myself once because someone asked me to have the option to build a package without depending on ncurses which, at the time was upstream default.
I didn't complain and maybe that's what made me think this was widely accepted.
Guess, I was wrong. 

Again, I'll leave it to ryoon@ to decide. If he doesn't want to do it, I'll live with it.
If he does, I'll be thankful.

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